For me, it was difficult to read both the Garnham and Chakravartty pieces (which is not surprising, since I come from a purely engineering background, and this is definitely out of my comfort zone). However, while going through the readings, I was constantly reminded of the debate in India about […]
The 2007 report Packet Forgery By ISPs: A Report on the Comcast Affair by the Electronic Frontier Foundation talks about the practices of Comcast (the second largest Internet Service Provider in the United States) to control and differentially prioritize the flow of information through their network. This “interference”, as the […]
This post is a result of a collaborative effort. The raw data for the post is available here. Thanks to everyone in class for contributing to the shared notes. The discussion topic for today’s edition of the class Introduction to Civic Media (CMS 360/860) was the digital divide. The reading […]
My name is Sayamindu, and I’m a graduate student in the MAS (Media Arts and Sciences) program here at MIT. In the past I have been involved in a number of Free and Open Source projects, and currently I’m involved in a Media Lab project called Scratch where kids can […]