In my “hello world” post for this blog, I tried to define Civic Media as …a set of tools, technologies and practices that enable wider and more active participation in a democratic process. While writing this post, I remember trying to unpack the concept of “democratic process”, but I wasn’t […]
On the midnight of 5th June 2011, Indian police violently cracked down on a peaceful group of protesters who had convened together against corruption and untaxed money stashed away in foreign tax havens (referred to as “black money” in India). On the 7th of June, Anonymous announced “Operation India” on […]
This a collaborative post on the project Ricarose Roque and I have been working on: Interview Protocol for Moderators To understand the perspective of community moderators, which includes a full-time online community coordinator, we plan to interview one or two members of the moderation team. We frame our interview questions […]
BBC is one of the few mass media outlets that has a worldwide footprint, and as someone who used to live in a region which is heavily covered by the BBC, it was very interesting to see the “outside perspective” that it brought in for issues which had a strongly […]
While growing up in Calcutta, every day, while going to school, I would see a group of people having an animated conversation near the bus stop. They would be gathered around a long board made of weaved bamboo strips, on which the day’s newspaper would be pasted – all the […]