If you’re a platform designer or a researcher just starting to look into the issue of online harassment, where is a good place to start? To help you out, we have created an Online Harassment Resource Guide, which covers academic research on the topic. In the months after I led […]
Having spent a day here in New York City discussing the idea of platform cooperatives, the conversation shifted this evening with a showcase of nine actual cooperative organizations and technologies. (image by Jojo Karlin) Starting out the conversation was New York City Council Member Maria del Carmen Arroyo. She talked […]
What forms of networked solidarity are emerging in an era of online platforms, and how might we organize labor in platform economies? I’m here at the two-day Platform Cooperativism conference at the New School in New York city. I’ll be facilitating a workshop on data science in cooperative economies with […]
What challenges must be overcome to move towards cooperative economies? This weekend, I’m here at the Platform cooperativism conference, where I’ll be talking on Saturday at 4pm. This session on “making it work” featured a series of sociologists, legal scholars, and business scholars to discuss this question. Juliet Schor (@JulietSchor): […]
(this blog post was written with Katie Arthur) What is platform cooperativism and why is it needed? Today, we’re here at the New School in New York City for the Platform Cooperativism conference, which is bringing together a remarkable range of speakers on the theme of creating online platforms that […]