Over the last two days at the Media Lab, we have been having our biannual member’s meeting, a time for all of the lab’s sponsors to stop by, look at our work, and to participate in talks and sessions about the big issues for technology, business and the future. Hashtag: […]
Our Intro to Civic Media class has spent several weeks discussing different ways that people can participate in society using the Internet. We have discussed citizen watchdogs, community associations, public discourse, Internet pressure groups, public demonstrations, counterpublic cultures, radical magazines, and even the political value of the music versus what […]
For a long time, genocide has been put in the box of great dark operatic human evils… We are the meteorologists of human rights abuses. — Nathaniel Raymond This week’s Thursday lunch was with the Satellite Sentinel Project. Based at the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative, they correlate data from satellites with […]
So far in our class on Civic Media, we have tried to define Civic Media and to consider the role of digital inequality in shaping participation in society. Our discussions have mostly featured ideas from researchers, foundations, and American government agencies. This week, we’re going to re-examine civic media in […]
As part of his Intro to Civic Media course , Sasha has asked us to answer the question, “What is civic media?” The characteristics of this area are messy, changing, and incredibly important. Changes in media tech and business have put important issues at stake: our awareness and participation in […]