On the Civic Media blog, Matt Stempeck and I have been arguing about the relative importance of learning from failure or success. Matt urges us to be honest about failure and learn from it. I think success is a better teacher. Underlying this debate is a somewhat flawed assumption: that […]
Today, we had lunch with Bob Filibin and Stephanie Han-yu Shih of DoSomething.org. They started off by telling us that smartphones with touchscreens and Siri aren’t going to drive social change, but that texting is a much more viable approach. To help frame the possibilities, they shared a slide with […]
Yesterday, Matt Stempeck argued that non-profits and civic organisations need to embrace failure. While I appreciate his point, I think that failure is poor teacher. I agree with Jason Fried that learning from failure is overrated in the startup world, and that success is the best teacher of all. As […]
Friday at MIT CSAIL, Lada Adamic gave a talk on “To friend and to trust: eliciting truthful and useful ratings online”. Lada is an associate professor at the University of Michigan School of Information & Center for the Study of Complex Systems. I met her in 2009 at the SIGWEB […]
Together with Sasha Costanza-Chock and Molly Sauter, I’m planning to make a visual map of co-design. Thus far, this has involved learning about co-design, meeting co-designers in the UK, and familiarising myself with theories of co-design. Now that the field is coming into focus for me, I’m starting to make […]