Liveblogged at HOPE X. Concerned with mass production and unidirectional flow of goods. Especially important for hackers because of electronic goods. How do we change this? Tiffany Rad, @TiffanyRad, Pianos and Cars When you buy something, do you own it, and how much of it? Concerned about ownership of private […]
Liveblogged at HOPE X. In this Meet-Up we broke out into groups to talk about common problems related to diversity in tech and to brainstorm solutions. This documents the reports that each breakout group gave. Problem: How to balance radical inclusion with creating safe spaces for minorities? Solution: Encourage meaningful […]
Liveblogged at HOPE X. Presentation available here. Kevin Carter – Technologist, Writer Peter Valdez – NYC Meshnet Kurt Snieckus – NYC Meshnet Kevin begins by asking “why build a new network?” The internet has grown far beyond any scale that was predicted. Things like security were added after the fact. […]
Why would some online videos trend in both Ukraine and Latin America? I don’t know, but it looks like they do. Continuing our work on the What We Watch project, which Ethan previously blogged about, I noticed that Ukraine has a surprising (to me) number of trending videos in common […]
I spent this past weekend in Michigan for Maker Faire Detroit at The Henry Ford. There was a lot to see, but I was particularly interested in the hacker/makerspaces. When you hear news about Detroit, it’s usually in reference to the many troubles facing the region, like the city’s recent […]