This was liveblogged at the 2015 Allied Media Conference. Allen Kwabena Frimpong, Black Lives Matter Tammy Shapiro, Movement NetlabArielle Newton, Black Lives Matter In 2011, Occupy Wall Street held huge demonstrations in New York’s Zuccotti Park and around the world. But within months, many media outlets had proclaimed that the […]
For those of us who work with data, we get used to visualizing in our mind and develop an intuition for it. For everyone else, data visualization usually takes the form of a diagram on a small, two-dimensional screen. Standard data plots can take an exciting idea and turn it […]
Live notes from a lunch talk by Andrew Keen. Notes by Ed Platt and Ali Hashmi. Ethan introduces Andrew as a former silicon valley entrepreneur, then historian. He’s since focused on understanding the culture of silicon valley. Andrew set out to write about the history of the Internet. Although the […]
Live notes taken at Jeff Sturges’s Director’s Fellow workshop on January 22, 2015. Jeff SturgesML Director’s fellow and Founder, Mount Elliott Makerspace @jeffsturges Jeff has many years making and participating and makerspaces. He’s had both successes and failures he’d like to share with us. He sees makerspaces as a big […]
Photo by jordesign The first AlterConf Boston hosted a mix of techies, gamers, and journalists to discuss diversity in these communities. As a self-identified communication-nerd, I was excited for Shauna Gordon-McKeon‘s “Talking the Talk” presentation on the role of different communication styles in encouraging diversity inclusion. These notes are from […]