Liveblogged at HOPE X. James Vasile, Open Internet Tools Project Infrastructure is any mechanism that helps developers and users engage. OpenITP believes that community infrastructure should come from the community. We’re used to infrastructure like roads: someone else builds and maintains it. A lot of FOSS projects build their own […]
Daily Archives: July 21, 2014
Liveblogged at HOPE X. Garrett Robinson, Security and Privacy Engineer, Mozilla William Budington, Developer, EFF Yan Zhu, Technologist, EFF The Freedom of the Press Foundation processes payments for WikiLeaks and raises funds for encryption and free speech initiatives. Secure Drop is their open source whistleblower platform. Thomas Drake leaked info […]
Liveblogged at HOPE X. The speakers have cautioned that this talk is not legal advice. Nate Cardozo, Attorney Kurt Opsahl, Attorney Adi Kamdar, Activist Peter Eckersley, Technology Projects Director Eva Galperin, Global Policy Analyst It’s been a busy year at the EFF. They’ve been focusing a lot on the national […]
Livebglogged at HOPE X. Alex Muentz Hackers are in the media, but not well understood. Why do hackers expose problems and break things? Hackers are consumer protectors, like Ralph Nader, or Upton Sinclair. Hackers are presented as folk heroes, folk devils, plain criminals, and/or national security threats. The State is […]