Class started with Dan Schultz’s return from Germany, with Mozart balls in tow. While at Mozilla’s Drumbeat hackfest, he helped start the MetaMeta project (GitHub, Google Group) and witnessed the birth of
Daily Archives: October 3, 2011
Between the Bars has been busy in the last six months: We now have over 300 writers, and are regularly receiving 100 letters per week We’ve published over 1500 blog posts and profiles. We now have a paid part-time staff person, thanks to the Center for Civic Media’s support, to […]
Our Intro to Civic Media class has spent several weeks discussing different ways that people can participate in society using the Internet. We have discussed citizen watchdogs, community associations, public discourse, Internet pressure groups, public demonstrations, counterpublic cultures, radical magazines, and even the political value of the music versus what […]
In their introduction to Global Communications: Toward a Transcultural Political Economy, Paula Cahkravartty and Yuezhi Zhao do a fine job of highlighting the awkward friction inherent in globalism and neoliberal economic policies, and its significant impact on political economies around the world. Far from the “seamless,” hyper-connected globe painted by […]
For me, it was difficult to read both the Garnham and Chakravartty pieces (which is not surprising, since I come from a purely engineering background, and this is definitely out of my comfort zone). However, while going through the readings, I was constantly reminded of the debate in India about […]