Thanks to Ethan Zuckerman of Harvard’s Berkman Center for live blogging the Communications Forum on his World Changing Blog. Pretty concise description of what I said, with the words all fancied up.
Daily Archives: November 18, 2009
Thursday (10/5/09) was the Center for Future Civic Media’s Communications Forum, where sundry and varied researchers funded by “C4” got on stage for 5 minutes, talked about what their work, then got blow darted off stage by the Center’s director. There was a film crew from MIT World there, documenting […]
I gave a presentation on my thesis today to the entire Media Lab (eek!) I think it went well. There was lots of good questions from my critics and readers (thank you!). I’ll try to summarize: 1) David Reed seemed to think that the financial data would be self-reported by […]
Helping Jeff with his experiments in low cost aerial photography. More pictures on Christina’s Flickr page. Balloon Inflation Jeff Attaching the Payload Liftoff Walking down the Charles MIT Suspenders The somewhat finished product