Thanks to the organizers of Journalism That Matters: Detroit and Time Life for awarding Red Ink a grant to attend the Reynolds Journalism Institute in August for the Innovate100 pitch slam. I’m going to use the opportunity to promote Red Ink, see what investors think of my crazy ideas, and […]
In the last few weeks and months I’ve been putting a lot of thought into what Red Ink will function like in the real world. This means dealing with the fundamental issue of what business model makes sense for supporting a data sharing platform of this nature. To that end […]
Here’s the video from my “crit day” talk. I was pretty nervous, but I think this is the best version of the talk I’ve given to date. Lot’s of revisions from the comm forum talk. Enjoy!
Thanks to Ethan Zuckerman of Harvard’s Berkman Center for live blogging the Communications Forum on his World Changing Blog. Pretty concise description of what I said, with the words all fancied up.
Thursday (10/5/09) was the Center for Future Civic Media’s Communications Forum, where sundry and varied researchers funded by “C4” got on stage for 5 minutes, talked about what their work, then got blow darted off stage by the Center’s director. There was a film crew from MIT World there, documenting […]