Upcoming Public Events
- Civic Media Session: “Civic Disobedience” this Thursday with @ethanz, @cshirky, @techsoc and @ifikra http://cot.ag/jul8rz
- VoIP Drupal webinar, May 12. In just 1 hour, learn to use a Drupal site to make and receive phone calls! http://cot.ag/dNE97p
ExtrAct, natural gas accountability
- Us in Reuters: “MIT Web Tools Help Small Landowners Navigate Gas Leasing Frenzy” http://cot.ag/iQTPV7
Osama bin Laden killed
- @newyorker’s Steve Coll: bin Laden compound was built on Pakistani military land http://cot.ag/jfycou
- Wikileaks subpoenas begin, with one issued to a Cambridge resident http://cot.ag/jF9IJv
New Media Lab director
- Joichi Ito named director of MIT Media Lab http://web.mit.edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/newsoffice/2011/ito-media-lab-director.html
- New Director of MIT Media Lab, Joi Ito, Talks of Encouraging Openness http://cot.ag/irfqGJ via @chronicle
Well-crafted Misery
- Drupal “Misery” module punishes trolls with delays, page redirection, 404 errors, and browser crashes http://cot.ag/l2KlAp