Highlights this week include:
- Debates on Wikileaks
- How to get started with community radio
- And if Kafka wrote restaurant sanitation laws
Check it all out at twitter.com/c4fcm and Facebook.
From the Center and friends
- New blog post: Another wartime disconnect http://civic.mit.edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/blog/andrew/another-wartime-disconnect
- ‘So many at home are oblivious’: Photojournalist Teru Kuwayama on America’s forgotten war http://cot.ag/diNf3W #fncm #knc
- @NiemanLab: What happens when media outlets get social with Facebook? http://j.mp/d5wRl5
- @SunFoundation: Proud to officially launch our ‘Congress’ app for Android phones http://snlg.ht/aw4fC7 #android #opengov
- @laurelatoreilly: WaPo: “GSA, union negotiate on rules for workers’ posts on Facebook, other social media” http://bit.ly/cPUy28 #gov20
- @prometheusradio: People always ask how to start with #communityradio journalism & dig. recording. Good resources: http://bit.ly/cSIqx4
- @gabosama: CJR on how War Logs/Wikileaks collaboration came about http://www.cjr.org/campaign_desk/the_story_behind_the_publicati.php
- “By recording failure in detail, the war logs bear witness to our incompetence” from the Trojan horse to Afghanistan http://cot.ag/cMIDtS
If you can cite an exact number, you’re still safer than Juarez
- Border towns are actually some of the safest in the U.S. http://cot.ag/dkB3qw Juarez, Mexico: 2,700 murders. Neighboring El Paso, TX: 1.
Visualize it
- @sourcemap: the interactive CIA World Factbook by IBM http://bit.ly/9vn8kL
- Effective visualizations include ones that are bad on purpose http://cot.ag/d53VIv #hcr #gop
Bowm-chicka tech
- Congrats to our Fellow @lisawilliams and friends Susan Mernit and Ory Okolloh! “2010 Top 25 Women in Tech to Watch” http://cot.ag/dwTF9I
It’s a gull. It’s a bull…
- @scottros: If it tops Google, must be good? great research by @eszter Hargittai & team on young Web users’ trust http://is.gd/dOLcU
- @carlmalamud: Pleased to announce the Law.Gov core principles have been signed & released http://fax.org/cSALkI #lawgov #gov20
- @Poynter: A nonprofit news site asks for money, gets it from a candidate, and now deals with disclosure questions. http://journ.us/aEsk2Q
- Dept. of Justice considering how to apply the Americans with Disabilities Act to the web http://cot.ag/dq23pb (Long expected)
- Another reason to avoid winner-takes-all voting systems: MI Tea Party may actually be Dem front to siphon GOP votes http://cot.ag/bEOdxn
- “Detroit Residents Tackle Four Playgrounds in One Day With KaBOOM! and Knight” http://cot.ag/c8eVdR (From a few days ago)
- The first-ever website demo by a President? http://www.whitehouse.gov/blog/2010/07/28/not-your-ordinary-website-demo
- @lavrusik: iNeedaGreatStory.com lets you buy originally reported stories a la carte: http://bit.ly/coVhrY Infographics, stories, videos
P.S. Still might want to pass on the pu-pu platter
- Between language barriers and complex regulations, ethnic restaurants worry they can’t pass inspections http://cot.ag/9V00q1