Creating Technology for Social Change

We’re Hiring! Civic Technology Programmer needed

We’ve got an open seat here at the Center for Civic Media – we’re trying to hire a Civic Technology Programmer. Are you, or do you know, a hacker excited about the civic engagement space? Let us know!

We are looking for someone to help us bring our research projects to a wider audience. The job will be a mix of product work and research – juggling projects, working with brilliant people inside and outside the Media Lab, and have the chance to work on new civic technology that can have a real impact! The position is for here at the Lab, hopefully full time. The tech needs start with Drupal and Ruby on Rails, but will include lots of other things too.

We’re a small team looking for someone that is a good fit. Pass along this post, or contact for more info. You have to apply officially through the link below.

The details, in HR speak, are here: