The Junkyard Jumboron is a really quick, web-based way to combine many people’s laptops (9, 12, 20…) into a giant, eye-catching display. It’s useful for… …when you’re organizing a rally, and you wan to draw the interest of passers-by. …when you’ve assembled a cool collection of people, and you want […]
Rick Borovoy, Visiting Scientist at the MIT Media Lab and the Center for Future Civic Media, proudly unveils the first Lost in Boston sign. is a general-purpose web tool that cities can use to get citizens involved in civic improvement projects. It’s about helping Bostonians work together to make […]
[If the video is not embedded above, go here] Everyone knows that creating a startup involves a carefully-ordered sequence of steps — eg, don’t start selling your product until you have a product (actually, that’s surprisingly easy to screw up). However, there’s a guiding principle about designing the right sequence […]
Welcome to Episode #2 of Rick’s Startup Whiteboard (the video is at… if it’s not showing up above). This one focuses on the importance of working with partners — not employees, not contractors — when you’re the pony-diving stage of a startup project, still trying to figure out the […]
MIT Tech TV This is the first of (soon to be) many videos by Rick Borovoy on entrepreneurship and social media. See all of them at Rick’s blog: