I am presently cross-registered for a class at Harvard called Digital Power, Digital Interpretation, Digital Making. Taught jointly by an impressively interdisciplinary array of professors, it is, to paraphrase a characterization from the first day of class, an intentionally incoherent but hopefully productive approach to thinking about all sorts of […]
The National Coalition Against Censorship, with which I am affiliated, helps host Banned Books Week every year to raise awareness for the thousands of books which are challenged for removal in public schools and libraries every year. Banned Books Week will be occurring between September 30th and October 6th this […]
I’m blogging from Minneapolis, Minnesota, at the National Alliance for Media Arts and Culture (NAMAC) conference Leading Creatively 2012, where I’m representing the National Coalition Against Censorship (NCAC). Earlier today I presented on a panel entitled Digital Frontiers: Copyright, Censorship, the Commons, and Privacy. The panel description read: Can […]
Hello everyone. My name is Chris Peterson. This is my blog. There are many like it. But this one is mine. I’m a new research assistant here at the Center for Civic Media, as well as a graduate student in the Comparative Media Studies program here at MIT. […]