This is a collaborative blog post between Hailey Lee and I about our final project for CMS.360, Intro to Civic Media. Our project is entitled “Television Newsroom Diversity and Civic Engagement.” Abstract In the United States, employment demographics for television news do not accurately reflect the nation’s ethnic makeup. According […]
The week of 11/28, we discussed Failed Civic Media projects with Benjamin Mako Hill. We discussed why some projects fail, what could have prevented them from failing, why some projects succeed, and what we can learn from both failure and success. At the time of this lecture I didn’t think […]
This week, we were asked to re-read our first blog post for Intro to Civic Media, and to reflect upon whether or not our views have changed. What remained the same? My definition was “Any medium that creates information flow to a community or communities in order to foster participatory […]
The topic for Monday November 14th’s class was Hyperlocal civic media. This post is a summary of that discussion, which was facilitated by Ania. Raw notes can be found here: We read two pieces that focused on geoethicnic and hyperlocal media. We also discussed community websites in the Boston […]
This blog post is a project update in collaboration with Hailey Lee. Our project outline can be seen here. Over the past week, Hailey and I have been developing questions for our video component. We have also been reaching out to various Boston news organizations for appearance requests. Here’s a […]