Last week, our group attempted to create an equation detailing the net worth of a single Facebook account. We imagined a situation in which Mark Zuckerberg decided to dis-invest all of Facebook’s net worth to each user, based on the net worth of their respective profiles. The question and scenario […]
Last Wednesday, our group began to formulate a theory of social change. Instead of having a single theory, however, our group divulged into two camps on what an idealized model would be like. Today, I would like to discuss the model that I had personally worked on more, and that […]
Last week, we discussed our final project proposals and received feedback from one another. Although I feel that my project proposals are much more elementary than the others, I still have some positive feedback from a few of my ideas. I’ve essentially narrowed it down to two ideas: the humorous […]
Last week heralded my first class in CMS.360, and I loved it. Even though everyone else in the class seems much more well informed than me, I feel that’s a great thing. I have no reason to attend college and take this course if I already knew about Civic Media. […]