This week the MIT Office of the Arts is hosting kick-off events for Artists-in-Residence Mel Chin and Rick Lowe. Both artists are renowned in the field of “social practice” which conceives of art-making as an activity that can be participatory, social, community-oriented and engage many fields in and outside of […]
Last week’s topic in Intro to Civic Media was Digital Inequality. Aviva and Alexander wrote a great summary post of our readings and conversation. As they describe, we traced the evolution of thinking around digital inequality from its inception as a “digital divide” – a binary of being online […]
I have recently joined the Center for Civic Media/MIT Media Lab as a Research Assistant. My background is in visual and media arts, software development and higher ed. In the arts, one thing I always worked against was the notion that “Art” (capital A, fancy Art) is the product of […]
The Extreme Data and Storytelling plenary session showcases people who are out on the frontiers of storytelling, and who are analyzing and presenting data to make sense of large-scale, complex human issues. They include a scientist using data to unpack the mysteries of economic development, a cartographer working to make […]