Pay attention to Tom Slee; he’s snide, but he’s spot-on. In a recent blog post, he neatly sums up how peer economy proponents appear to advocate selectively for its place in the formal economy. When should the sharing economy be treated as part of the real economy, and when should […]
Since Rachel Botsman coined the term “collaborative consumption,” independent analysts, corporate consultants, startups and thought leaders have all translated the idea for diverse audiences. The Mesh author Lisa Gansky* has said it’s about access, not ownership. Resulting questions ask whether certain generations are more amenable to sharing. Are urban areas predisposed […]
Recently, a reporter from Marketplace called me for a radio piece. Two Harvard profs just released a study that examined the correlation between pricing and race on Airbnb. Airbnb’s racist! Well that’s not actually how the professors said it, but that’s what many headlines have looked like. Image by Effie […]
The radio silence is over; the last time I posted specifically for the Civic blog was fall 2013. I’m not continuing onto a Ph.D. after June, so before I leave my post as an academic who researches the peer economy, I’m going to report what I’m seeing and sensing as […]
Originally written for and published on 2 Oct. 2013 on Shareable Do you ever find a topic so fascinating that you’re four entries deep before realizing you’ve gone down the Wikipedia wormhole? That’s what my peer economy research expeditions feel like as I scour publications and interviews. I’ve stumbled upon the surprising history of property rights, technical […]