I attended the Mobile Tech 4 Social Change barcamp in New York with MIT colleagues Audubon Dougherty, Nadav Aharony, and Danielle Martin last weekend. Unfortunately, I missed Ethan Zuckerman’s keynote (hoping it will be posted online) but according to Patrick Meier’s informative post about the day, one of Ethan’s biggest […]
Many Eyes, a shared data and information visualization technology from the Visual Communications Lab at IBM Research, offers some fun ways to see the most commonly used words in President Obama’s inaugural address. You can look at the speech as a text cloud … .. or a word tree. Perhaps […]
Wondering what innovative media projects are following President-elect Obama’s inauguration? We have a few suggestions. One of the most exciting is Inauguration Report, a collaboration between NPR, CBS News, American University, and volunteer programmers. Users can participate via Twitter, Flickr, YouTube, an iPhone app by including the phrase #inaug09 0r […]
In my work at the Center for Future Civic Media, I’ve been investigating ways that emerging technologies could be used to better the quality of healthcare in local communities. I’ve been particularly interested in exploring ways to improve the communication between doctors and their patients. I recently spoke with Jay […]
Last weekend, thousands of people around the country took part in rallies aimed to convince Congress to cut carbon emissions by 80 percent by 2050. Created with the guidance of a new online organization called Step It Up, these do-it-yourself campaigns reflect a trend in activism–one in which the rallies […]