Disclaimer: This is only a summary with a few excerpts. If you would like to read the entire paper, please leave a comment with your email address and I will personally send it to you. My final project, a 34-page monster titled Digital Discourse and Civic Engagement in Ukraine, examines […]
Originally, I defined civic media as “the tools and technologies that facilitate the exchange of information and ideas between people, often in pursuit of common goals.” I also noted that it’s important to avoid normative judgments of civic media, because the effects and potential of these tools are dependent upon […]
Monday’s discussion, led by Dan Schultz, was centered on evolution of hacktivism, Anonymous, and the pursuit of the lulz. Molly Sauter also dropped by to contribute. Lulz, while not necessarily as intellectualized, is a modern incarnation of satire as political critique. In times and spaces where open political dissidence is […]
Using Ukraine as my point of reference, I decided to list some of the pros and cons of online media in democratic transition and consolidation. My eventual aim is to gain an understanding of why the same tools that enabled Ukraine’s democratic transition have been so ineffective at the stage […]
I recently undertook the task of comparing leading independent online news sources for the Central, Eastern, Western, and Southern regions of Ukraine. My overall goal was to get a better sense of the political orientations of these websites, their readership and their content, as well as gauge the inclusivity of […]