Livebloggers: Rahul Bhargava, Heather Craig, Alexis Hope Putting Users First The civic sector has struggled to adjust to the digital age. How do we better prioritize the user in civics and journalism over our own assumptions? What cultural, fiscal, and technological changes do we need to make to build organizations […]
“Show up, and do the hard things first,” Bert Crenca, founder and artistic director of AS220, advised after spending a few hours showing us the fruits of his organization’s 30 year effort to create an unjuried and uncensored forum for the arts. AS220 strives to create a world where all […]
A few weeks ago, part of the Civic Media team traveled to Brazil to facilitate a set of workshops in São Paulo and Belo Horizonte (a city in the state of Minas Gerais) to explore how citizen monitoring might be useful in holding elected officials accountable for promises they make […]
On Thursday, December 5th, Seamus Kraft from the OpenGov Foundation gave a lunch talk at the MIT Center for Civic Media. This is a liveblog of the talk authored by Alexis Hope, Heather Craig, & @schock. Lorrie introduces the talk: Seamus studied classical political theory, went into government, discovered that […]
This past week I attended a behavior change and digital security workshop hosted by the Tactical Technology Collective in Berlin. Tactical Tech does fantastic work supporting people who engage in information advocacy and activist projects (our own Rahul has previously written about his work with the collective). Tactical Tech has […]