This is the talk I delivered for the “Civic Media Geography: Experiments In Cosmopolitanism, Citizenship and Accountability” panel I organized at Place, (Dis)Place and Citizenship: Eleventh Annual Conference in Citizenship Studies at Wayne State University, Detroit, MI on March 21, 2014. Today, I’m going to talk about a tool I’m building. […]
Daily Archives: March 26, 2014
3 posts
These are the prefatory remarks I made as moderator during the panel “Balancing Deep and Wide Impacts in the Design of Civic Tech” at the Digital Media and Learning Conference, Boston, MA on March 8, 2014. I’m working on a project called Action Path. Similar to Promise Tracker, which will […]
This is text of the talk I delivered for the “Click, Meme, Hack, Change: Civic Media Theory and Practice” panel I organized at the Digital Media and Learning Conference, Chicago, IL on March 14, 2013. What do I mean by memes? Well I’m talking about internet memes: cultural artifacts that […]