CORRECTIONS via Deborah Hurley: The organizers of the event were Deborah Hurley and Ron Rivest. The event was co-sponsored by MIT Cryptography and Information Security Group and the Computers, Freedom and Privacy Conference ( I invited Bill Binney to give his talk and invited Carol Rose, ACLU of Massachusetts, to […]
Daily Archives: November 26, 2012
A FOIA, or Freedom of Information Act, request is supposed to be a way for the average citizen to reveal information and documents controlled by the federal government. Anyone can file a FOIA request for pretty much damn near everything, and in Intro to Civic Media we started that process […]
For my final project for Introduction to Civic Media with Professor Sasha Costanza-Chock, I have been working with the platform PageOneX in order to conduct a front page analysis of immigration coverage in major newspapers. As mentioned in a previous blog, PageOneX is an online hosted platform that allows […]
What happens when a tech-minded entrepreneur is unexpectedly chosen to lead a big city government bureaucracy? Gabe Klein was an unconventional pick to head the District of Columbia’s Department of Transportation when he was hired back in 2008, by then-mayor Adrian Fenty. He’d been a Zipcar executive. He helped found […]
Last Wednesday we had Pablo Gerbaudo presenting his book Tweets and the streets: Social Media and Contemporary Activism at the Center for Civic Media. It was a great opportunity to share ideas, and research, about the use of social networking sites in social mobilizations in the: Arab Spring (in Egypt), Indignados […]