Whistleblowing has been the subject of recent controversies due to the rise of WikiLeaks and other whistleblowing websites. These websites mark a new form of whistleblowing only possible because of the Internet and computers as well as connected media partners worldwide. However, whistleblowing has relied on technology and media for […]
Daily Archives: October 1, 2012
Last week, we discussed our final project proposals and received feedback from one another. Although I feel that my project proposals are much more elementary than the others, I still have some positive feedback from a few of my ideas. I’ve essentially narrowed it down to two ideas: the humorous […]
With the growth of social media and various forms of participatory media, the line between the traditional content generators and the content consumers is fading. As a result, conversations and comments from consumers as well as their posts on social media are starting to become considered content itself. As media […]
I have recently spent a great deal of time thinking about technology. This may come as no surprise. After all, I am a student at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, working in a lab which makes civic technology, and writing my thesis about how people use social technology. But though […]