(This is part of what we hope will be a larger series; a more comprehensive look at the communities using Sourcemap and those interesting uses they have developed.) The University of Montana’s School of Journalism collaborated with us over the past term by using Sourcemap as part of a class […]
Daily Archives: February 17, 2011
3 posts
Max Ogden of Code for America discusses taking “treasure troves” of government datasets to bring citizens and friends together. From “Cities, Code, and Civics”, a Civic Media Session of the MIT Center for Future Civic Media. Download! break MIT Tech TV
Nick Grossman of OpenPlans, Nigel Jacob of the City of Boston Mayor’s Office of New Urban Mechanics, and Max Ogden of Code for America respond to questions about how civic tools do (or need to) vary from city to city. From “Cities, Code, and Civics”, a Civic Media Session of […]